The Plans I have made
- Go to school
- Graduate with an associates in spring of 2012
- Transfer to UNR to get my bachelors degree
- In spring of 2012 get engaged to Andrew
- July 2012 marry Andrew
- Summer of 2012 live in an apartment with Andrew while saving money for a house
- Fall of 2013 graduate with my bachelors from UNR
- By 2014 buy a plot of land to build Andrew and I’s Dream home
- 2016 finish and move into our new home
- 2018 start a family
- 2019 lessen hours at my job to be a stay at home mom, working 1 day every 2 weeks to keep my licensure
- 2023 begin home schooling our kids

As you can see this is a pretty big list, it does not leave any room for mistake it does not leave any space for something to not go as planned. It is the plan that I have been working for, the plan that I have believed God would want for me, after all I am his child he would want me to be happy right?!?!?

The problem with the list
So what’s the problem with this list? It is in pen in ink it is practically sketched in stone. I have failed at a section of my list I have not been accepted to the nursing program for the graduating class of 2012. This puts a kink in my plans and has been making me quite sad for quite some time; no matter what I do I can’t shake it, the feeling just gets worse and makes me sadder and sadder.

The real problem
So why are you reading this sob story you may ask because I have had an epiphany tonight I have realized the actual flaw with my plan…. You ready…. It was MY plan. My plan does not leave room for the fun and exciting side roads that God has planned for me, it does not leave room for the adventures that could have lasted a life time. It is My plan not God’s plan.

The epiphany
I have been planning my life in sharpie in permanent Ink. Actually I have been etching it into stone and have been so set on these plans that nothing was going to stand in my way. SO set this is the way that it has to be for me to have a good life, for me to be happy. Now that something has not worked out I feel lost and confused like a lost little puppy with no direction. That is it I need to not rely on my directional skills. As most of you know I am horrible at following directions so why in the world do I feel qualified to make directions for my life. I’m not! But there is someone who is…

The Revised Plan

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

No more plans is the plan, or better said I will plan my life in pencil I will plan my life with room for improvements and trials. God knows what he is doing. I am going to stand aside live one day at a time be grateful for the gifts that I have been given. I will work hard and make every day worth living because I am going to live for the one and only God of the universe. Who loves me, cares for me, and who wants the best for me. I will trust in the Lord and I will not fret when my tentative plan does not work, I will be excited for the fact that I am given an opportunity to do something different.

My new quote and yes I have coined it…
“Don’t be afraid to plan your life, just be sure to use a pencil”

I would encourage everyone who reads this to be encouraged that God knows what he is doing even when it seems like everything is falling apart! He loves and cares for the tiny animals, he definitely cares for you. Just take the backseat let him have control he is a better leader than you could ever imagine. I pray that God is ever present in your life and that you are willing to give him the steering wheel. Good luck and thanks for reading!!!!


  1. AMEN, girl!! Thank you for writing this! You are absolutely right... God's plans are so much more amazing... why would we settle for less?? :]

    I love you!!!

  2. Wow, its funny I was just reading this book today called "Sacred Singleness" and in this book it went into great details of how the most common mistake made among young women today is "planning" and not just planning but planning without God permission..I am so guilty..I too have always had dreams desires, plans and yes in permanent Ink as well...but God reminded me of a scripture ~Pro 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.

    It does not mean we will never get to "that dream or desire" but God might take us a different route...and even if some dreams never take route God is perfectly in control of our lives... I live a daily life of every day learning to trust each step and God take me places I would have never gone on my own...

    Thanks for writing! :)


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