2022 What a year...

 This past year has been one full of many highs and many lows. Our family has had to learn to be more ok with going  with the flow. More ok with things not going as planned. We have learned to make the best of tough situations, to celebrate despite sickness. and to truly make every moment count. 

In this last year we started rock climbing. What started out as something for me to do on my own, quickly became a family adventure. We love it! I have loved the challenge that it presents to me. Andrew has enjoyed testing his skills. We have all enjoyed the lessons and teachable moments that have come from it. Madeline, Melody, and Miriam have all successfully made it to the top of several 55' walls. I am so impressed by there tenacity for the sport! We have had the pleasure of going on several adventures this year. Including camping, Disneyland, Monterey, and Yosemite. We are still Homeschooling. We've really enjoyed having the opportunity to teach our children first hand. There are days that are challenging. But overall the rewards are far greater. We Still have our little Classical Education co-op going 3 years strong. What started out as a way to survive 2020, has evolved into a necessity, we are so thankful God has allowed us to continue this amazing journey! We were able to welcome not one, but two new Nephews/Cousins this year with the addition of William, and Elijah. We are so in love with them!   

Miriam is a vivacious 4 year old. She has Started preschool this year. She is really growing into her own personality. She loves reading, is learning the alphabet, can count to 12, identify colors, and shapes. She loves playing games with her Sisters, and her Mom, and Dad. She can swim, and is doing really well at gymnastics. She has loved being a big kid on bike rides, and hikes this year. She is funny and sweet. Some of her favorite things are toy story, paw patrol, and Spidey and his amazing friends. She is growing up way to fast. We feel so blessed by her sweet personality and spunky spirit! 

Melody is 7 years old now, and in 2nd grade. She loves being fashionable. She has a sweet and sassy personality. She loves crafting, science projects, and playing games with her family. She has learned to read, and is doing great in all of her school subjects. She has been working hard to memorize the books of the bible as well as facts that pertain to Bible, math, science, history, Latin, and grammar.  She learned to ride a two wheeler bicycle all by herself; she started piano;. She is an excellent swimmer; She is excelling in gymnastics, learning every week how to improve and master her skills. She is learning that hard work and perseverance really pay off both academically and physically.

Madeline is 9 years old now and in 4th grade. She loves reading, crafting, drawing, science experiments, and playing alone, or with anyone who is available. She has such a sweet personality, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She is excelling in all her school subjects, but loves language arts the most. She has been working hard to become a memory master for the books of the bible as well as facts that pertain to Bible, math, science, history, Latin, and grammar. She loves going on bike rides; She is an excellent swimmer; She has leveled up in piano; She is doing well in gymnastics; She participated in her first LTC event and received recognition for a lot of hard work she did for the event. She broke her arm again, but healed up like champ! She has been learning that getting older has more freedom, but also more responsibility. 

Andrew has been doing well, he still is working for Hamilton Company, and has been enjoying his work there. He has completed one of his career goals, for now at least, he is the "syringe" guy at work. He designs custom syringes for customers. As well as works to help problem solve, and come up with solutions to various needs at the company.  He has really enjoyed the opportunity to go ice fishing, as well as duck hunting this year. He is a regular jack of all trades keeping up with home and car maintenance. As well as completing several home upgrades. He has learned the joys of audiobooks, completing 43 audiobook's this year!  He is still working hard at powerlifting, and came in second at his meet this year! He is an amazing father and husband, he has been enjoying delving into several of our games and shows this year. 

This year I have been doing ok, I have been enjoying reading as well as audiobooks, and have completed 28 books this year. I have really enjoyed rock-climbing, riding bikes, hiking playing games, and watching movies.  I have loved homeschooling the kids, and teaching science and fine arts at our little co-op. I have really had to learn more of how to let go of control, and how to rely on God. In March I stated feeling really sick and in June after many doctors appointments, and many tests learned that I had a condition called hydronephrosis. Which is the swelling of my right kidney. The doctor at that time made the call that we should keep an eye on it and hope that it resolves on its own. Which this condition often can. Later that same month I ruptured the sagittal band in my left pinky. Which was causing my finger to dislocate every time I closed my hand. In July I had to have that surgically repaired, then spent several months in OT following. The week I was released from OT I went back to my urologist to re-check my Kidney. It was decided at that appointment that I would have to go under unrainy tract reconstructive surgery. I had the first surgery on November 21, to determine how it needed to be reconstructed. Then December 21st had the reconstruction surgery. In the mean time I was very sick, and basically couldn't function for the weeks between the two surgeries. And for Several weeks after the last surgery. I am happy to report that at this point 2.5 weeks after reconstruction surgery I am not in excruciating pain anymore. I am doing much better. Hoping to be 100% soon, yet learning to give myself patience as my body heals. One of the blessings that have come from all the doctors appointments, all the tests, all the waiting, and never knowing how I am going to feel from moment to moment has been. I have learned how to be more in the present, and enjoy what time I have, of feeling well, doing the things I love, and enjoying the people I'm with.  I have been so thankful for the many friends, and family that have really supported us this year, and especially thankful for God who has carried me through on the many days I have not been strong enough! 

Well hey you made it to the end! Thanks for reading and catching up with our little family! I hope that you and your family are doing well! We apologize for being MIA this year, but we were truly in survival mode. I hope to catch up with more friends this year! I hope you had a merry Christmas, and may your new year be blessed beyond measure! Love you all! 



  1. Love this newsy update Jolene! And all the photos. Love and miss you and continue to pray blessings for you in 2023!


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